Crochet Summer Hat For Beginners, really for beginners. You can make this hat with paper or cotton or jut yarn, whichever you choose. I made this hat with jut yarn. It’s adaptable for every age easily.
In this hat, I used a cord for an accessory. But you can decorate it with flowers, beads or whatever you want. This is the summer’s favorite pattern, you should add to your crochet list immediately before the summer is over.

Size 3 yarn (la mia natural jut twine or you can use paper yarn)
3.5mm hook
Tapestry needle
Stitches used
Chain: ch
Single crochet:sc
Double crochet:dc
Stitch: st
When you see *( )** it means you repeat the instructions in between *( )** Where you see the word turn it means to turn your work clockwise and work back down the row.

Make a magic ring.
Round 1: Make 6sc in the magic ring. Not join with a sl st, keep crocheting round 2.
Round 2: Make 2sc in every each st. (total 12sc)
Round 3: *(Make 1sc in a st+make 2sc in the next st)** (total 18sc)
Round 4: *(Make 1sc of 2st st+make 2sc in the next st)** (total 24sc)
Round 5: *(Make 1sc of 3st st+make 2sc in the next st)** (total 30sc)
Round 6: *(Make 1sc of 4st st+make 2sc in the next st)** (total 36sc)
Round 7: *(Make 1sc of 5st st+make 2sc in the next st)** (total 42sc)
Round 8: *(Make 1sc of 6st st+make 2sc in the next st)** (total 48sc)
Round 9: *(Make 1sc of 7st st+make 2sc in the next st)** (total 54sc)
Round 10: *(Make 1sc of 8st st+make 2sc in the next st)** (total 60sc)
Round 11: *(Make 1sc of 9st st+make 2sc in the next st)** (total 66sc)
Round 12: *(Make 1sc of 10st st+make 2sc in the next st)** (total 72sc)
Round 13: *(Make 1sc of 11st st+make 2sc in the next st)** (total 78sc)
Round 14: *(Make 1sc of 12st st+make 2sc in the next st)** (total 84sc)
Round 15: *(Make 1sc of 13st st+make 2sc in the next st)** (total 90sc)
Round 16: *(Make 1sc of 14st st+make 2sc in the next st)** (total 96sc) When you finish this round, it’s size will be nearly 7inches-18cm.
Round 17: Make 1sc of every each st (total 96sc)
Repeat Round17, 15 more times. It’s length will be a little more than 3 inches, nearly 8cm.

Round 33: *(skip 1st+make 3dc in to the next st+skip 1st+make 1sc in to the next st)** Put a stitchmarker at the end of this round. This is your starting point of the round. You can see in video 15:20.
Round 34: *(Insert the sc st of previous round and make 3dc+skip 1st+insert the 2nd st and make a sc+skip 1st)**
Round 35: *(Insert the sc st of previous round and make 4dc+skip 1st+insert the 2nd st and make a sc+skip 1st)**
Round 36: *(skip 2st+insert the 3th st and make a sc+ch1+and insert the same st and make a sc+skip 1st+make 4dc in to the next st)**
Round 37: *(Insert the Ch1 sp and make 4dc+skip 2st+insert the 3th st and make (sc+ch1+sc) in the same st]** At the end of the round the last st should be a sc.
Round 38: *(Insert the Ch1 sp and make 5dc+insert the 3th st and make a sc)**
Round 39: *( Insert the Ch1 sp and make 6dc+insert the 3th st and make a sc.)**
Round 40: This is the last round. Ch1 and insert your hook into the last st and make a reverse sc. *(Make a reverse sc in every shells st+ skip the sc st)**
Cord of the Hat
Make a slipknot. Take the 5 or 6 meters long yarn for make 48 inches(120 cm) long cord. Then take this long tail over the hook-you can see in photo1- grab the yarn and pull through of all it.

When you finished the cord, will make the eyes through the cord. (You can see in photo2) Make a slipknot and ch4 and cut the yarn. Make 4 of this.

Take these two tails in the hat. You can tie them or hide them with yarn needle.

Insert the cord from the eyes and finish your hat.
Pattern created by Sirin’s Crochet
Written by Gozde Gunes Tezcan (@gozdetariflerr)
Copyright; This pattern is copyrighted by Sirin’s Crochet and may not be copied, sold, distributed and claimed as yours. You are more than welcome to share and sell your makes using this pattern. Please give credit to Sirin’s Crochet.
Please feel free to visit my YouTube channel at Sirin’s crochet for more free video tutorials and don’t forget to subscribe to be notified for more free patterns.

I will be more than happy to answer any questions or concerns you might have regarding this pattern Connect with me:
- Video Tutorial :
Gracias por compartir sus labores
Son muy hermosas todas .
Un fuerte abrazo desde Reynosa Tamaulipas México
Hi, I love your work and just wanted to say my brother in law is from Turkey. He grew up in Bodrum. His family is still in Turkey. We are in Arizona. Turkish yarn is my favorite yarn.
Thank you for your tutorials.
Hi Lynn. I am living in Bodrum 🙂 How small the world is. Loves from Turkey ♥
I don’t understand round 35. Do I keep going around repeating everything inside the ()
Can I use 4ply cotton yarn for the summer hat for beginners?
How do I make adjustments for a 3 year old and an 8 year?
Your pattern is beautiful …IHope ..ICan make it…