Sirin's Crochet

Fast And Easy Beginner Blanket

If you are looking for an cozy and simple blanket for your baby and if you are a beginner, this tutorial is perfect for you. I used bigger crochet hooks so you can finish it easily.

I hope you like this tutorial. If you have any questions please feel free to ask

Size 4 yarn 630m
6.5mm and 7mm hook
Tapestry needle

Stitches used
Back loop only: blo
Chain: ch
Half double crochet: hdc
Slip stitch: ss
Space: sp
Single crochet: sc

When you see *( )** it means you repeat the instructions in between *( )** Where you see the word ​turn​ it means to turn your work clockwise and work back down the row.

Start with 7mm hook
Row 1.​ Ch81, ss into second ch from hook, *(1hdc in next st, ss into next st)** repeat across
Row 2.​ Ch1 and turn, ss into first st, *( 1hdc in next st, ss into next st)** repeat across.

Repeat row 2 until you reach your desired length do not cut yarn

Change to 6.5mm hook.
Ch1 and turn, 1sc in each st across, ch2, and do 1sc in same sp as last sc, down side now do 1sc into each dc, 1sc into each ss, when you come to the end of this side do 1sc, ch2 and 1sc into the corner. Next side do 1sc into each st ch2 and 1sc into same sp. Last side do 1sc into each dc, 1sc into each ss. At the end do 1sc into same sp as first sc, then join with hdc into blo of first sc.

Next round.
*(1sc into blo of each st across, at the corner do 1sc, ch2 and 1sc into the ch2 sp)** repeat all the way around. In the last corner do 1sc and join with hdc into blo of first st. Keep repeating this round until desired width of border. On very last corner do 1sc, ch2 and ss into first st ch1 and cut yarn. Weave yarn in.

Pattern created by Sirin’s Crochet
Written by  Rachel Websdale (rachelweb31)

Copyright; This pattern is copyrighted by Sirin’s Crochet and may not be copied, sold, distributed and claimed as yours. You are more than welcome to share and sell your makes using this pattern. Please give credit to Sirin’s Crochet.

Please feel free to visit my YouTube channel at Sirin’s crochet for more free video tutorials and don’t forget to subscribe to be notified for more free patterns.

I will be more than happy to answer any questions or concerns you might have regarding this pattern Connect with me:
