Sirin's Crochet

Crochet Beginner Boots / Slippers For Men And Women

Thanks to lovely GG, I can share this slippers written pattern with you. This slippers are so easy to make, even a beginner can make it and it will be even easier thanks to the written pattern.

Crochet Beginner Boots / Slippers For Men And Women

Yarn size 6 – 97 mt

6mm hook

Tapestry needle

Stitches used

Chain: ch

Sİngle crochet:sc

Half double crochet:hdc

Double crochet:dc

Front post double crochet:fpdc

Back post double crochet:bpdc

Stitch: st

Space: sp


When you see *( )** it means you repeat the instructions in between *( )** Where you see the word ​turn​ it means to turn your work clockwise and work back down the row.

This pattern suitable for;

Europian size: 37-38-39

US size: 7-8

UK size:5-6

Row 1: Start with slip knot + Ch19+yarn over skip 3 st + make 3dc in the 4th st+make a dc every st except the last st.+make 7dc in the last st. ( so with 7dc, you turn the other side of ch19,like in the photo)+ make a dc in every st except the last st of the second side+ make 3 dc in the last st and sl st to the first dc which we make with ch3.

Row 2: Ch3+dc in the same st+2dc in the same st+2dc in the same st+2 dc in the same st+make a hdc in next 6 st+ make a sc in next 9 st+ 2 hdc in the same st+2 hdc in the same st+2 hdc in the same st+2 hdc in the same st+2 hdc in the same st+2 hdc in the same st+make a sc in next 9 st+make a hdc in next 6 st+2dc in the same st+2 dc in the same st and sl st to the first Ch3.

Row 3: Ch3+dc in the same st+make a dc in the next st+make 2 dc in the next st+make a dc in the next st+make 2 dc in the next st+make a dc in the next st+make 2 dc in the next st+make a hdc in next 7 st+make a sc in next 10 st+make 2 sc in the next st+make a sc in the next st+make 2 sc in the next st+make a sc in the next st+make 2 sc in the next st+make a sc in the next st+make 2 sc in the next st+make a sc in next 10 st+make a hdc in next 7st+make 2 dc in the next st+make a dc in the next st+make 2 dc in the next st+make a dc in the next st+make 2 dc in the next st+make a dc in the next st+cut your yarn and join with the 2nd st from the starting point then insert your needle in the first st and hide your can see in the photo.

When you finish this row you have 64 st. The number of st at the end of the row3 must be even.

Row 4: Find the middle st of the base in sole part and sl st to the back loop. And make a dc in the same st. Make a dc in every st of the row.

Row 5: Ch2(not count)+*(1fpdc in the dc of previous row+1bpdc in the dc of previous row)**

Row6: Ch2(not count)+*(1fpdc+1bpdc)** until come to one before fpdc of the middle st of the row.

Insert your hook , before fpdc of middle st and take a yarn+skip 1 bpdc+insert your hook middle st of fpdc and take a yarn+skip 1 bpdc+insert your hook after fpdc of middle st and pull through all of the yarns. then keep go on *(1bpdc+1fpdc)** at the end of the row.

You will repeat Row6 7 more times.Every row, you make decrease operaiton.After these decreases your boot will be full to the ankle.

Row 14,Row 15: Ch2(not count)+*(1fpdc+1bpdc)**

If you want more longer you can repeat row14.

Row 16: Make a reverse sc in every st.

Pattern created by Sirin’s Crochet
Written by Gözde Güneş Tezcan (Crochet With GG)

Copyright; This pattern is copyrighted by Sirin’s Crochet and may not be copied, sold, distributed and claimed as yours. You are more than welcome to share and sell your makes using this pattern. Please give credit to Sirin’s Crochet.

Please feel free to visit my YouTube channel at Sirin’s crochet for more free video tutorials and don’t forget to subscribe to be notified for more free patterns.

I will be more than happy to answer any questions or concerns you might have regarding this pattern Connect with me:
